Feel Your Feelings

Pray with more imagination

The challenge for many modern Christians, like me, is we are too literal and the Psalms, by and large, are filled with poetic metaphors. In a world saturated with self help books that give you 3 principles and 10 steps, our prayer life lacks imagination.

Why Midlife Men Blow Up Their Life

There is this feeling of dissatisfaction that can cause you to wish for a life you don’t have, or at least a life you thought you would have by now.

Start With Silence

Sitting still and quiet brings to mind all of the things you need to pray about but are usually too distracted to notice.

That’s One Way To See it

One of the ways that you can be certain that your emotional health is lacking behind your spiritual growth is if you still assume that everyone would be better if they were more like you.

You Have Nothing To Prove

Every time you forget you are already loved and accepted by God because of the work of Jesus, your insecurity will drive you to prove your worth—to convince God you’re lovable.

You Should Say Something

Is there someone you love who could benefit from your wisdom? They may receive it, or they may not—that’s not what matters.

Keep the faith

When you’re clear-headed, you are unwavering in your beliefs, but when the furnace of lust is burning, or the terror of fear is screaming, or the pangs of jealousy are stabbing, you can convince yourself of 1,000 preposterous reasons that seem airtight.

Spot the Lie

In every impulse for something more, there is a lie that promises you will finally feel satisfied when you get it. And each time you can spot the lie, you can choose to be content right where you are.